In 2013, when Taylor was fourteen years old she took part in a youth mission trip to La Mision, Baja Mexico. During the scheduled trip, Taylor was offered the opportunity to visit the Buena Vida Orphanage. Within a short period of time, Taylor knew that God had brought her here. She spent time interacting with the children and learning how Gabriel and his wife (Meche) ran the orphanage like a large family. Gabriel and his wife raise the children with strong Christian values and with the goal of "breaking the cycle", eliminating the need of removing children from their homes and families.
The Buena Vida Orphanage averages 30 children. The orphanage has two dormitory style rooms separating the boys and girls. Each room is comprised of bunk beds and large shelving units holding each child's personal clothing. Gabriel and Meche operate solely on donations, which range between 1,500 - 2,500 dollars monthly. The Mexican government does not assist financially with the caring of the children. Based on the costs associated with raising 30 children, to include schooling, food, utilities, housing, medical, and additional staff, Buena Vida should be operating on a minimum of 7,000 dollars a month. The lack of funding hinders Buena Vida from meeting all the needs of the children and eventually taking in more children in need of a home.
Taylor, recognizing the needs of the orphanage, returned home and immediately went to work raising money. With the assistance of local businesses, she began placing donation jars throughout the community. At youth sporting events, she conducted raffles for various prizes. She contacted and solicited donations from friends and family. Taylor's efforts raised thousands of dollars that all went directly to aid Buena Vida. At one point Gabriel did not have the money to enroll the children into the public schools. Taylor was able to raise over three thousand dollars to cover the cost of school fees and uniforms.
Taylor found sponsors for the children within the orphanage. The sponsors were responsible for purchasing gifts for each child's birthdays and Christmas. Every child received gifts on their birthdays and at Christmas.
Over the years, Taylor was able to provide much-needed assistance for their daily needs, medical bills, schooling, and providing games and toys so they could enjoy being children.
Taylor knew that God's calling was not just to continue her mission with Buena Vida, but to grow and reach out to more less fortunate children and families. She wants to provide opportunites to those wanting to continue their education and reach their dreams.
Taylor's Heart was formed primarily to support and equip children who do not have the daily necessities we often take for granted. We want to provide opportunities to those seeking further education and careers.